Tuesday, November 10, 2020

An Author Interview: Livy Jarmusch

     Hi, everyone! Today I'm pleased to post an interview featuring Olivia "Livy" Jarmusch, the bubbly and brilliant mastermind behind the Tales of Tarsurella series and the Regal Hearts books. Livy has personally inspired me with her writing, and I'm so excited to have another chance to feature her amazing books. If you're interested, I posted a book review of her debut, The Coronation, on this blog a few weeks ago. You can find that post HERE.

    I have slightly edited the interview to make it easier to read, without changing any of the author's answers. The interview is also spoiler-free!

    I hope you enjoy hearing Livy's thoughts on The Tales of Tarsurella, writing, and some of her personal favorites.

Behind Tarsurella: An Interview with Olivia Lynn Jarmusch
November 5, 2020

What inspired you to write the Tales of Tarsurella books?

This series was birthed out of my desire to create something the “younger me” would enjoy reading. As a teen, I was a very picky reader. I have pretty high standards when it comes to the content I consume, and I also get bored very easily, haha! So I struggled every time I went to the library. I wanted something whimsical, exciting, and clean! I’ve always loved writing, so it only seemed natural to create something I wish I would’ve had.

Do you relate to any of your characters in the Tales of Tarsurella series? If so, how?

Yes! My most relatable character is definitely Jane Akerly. (She doesn’t show up until Book 2, but she’s one of my faves!) Jane and I have a lot in common. Again, I think it’s just the younger me wanting to have a role to play in these adventures, so she wrote herself right in! Haha.
Jane and I are both big dreamers and passionate writers.

Did you have a favorite character to write in this series? Why or why not?

Yes! I loved writing Hanson, Millie, and Jane. (I know you only asked for 1, but this series had a HUGE cast, so I should be able to have more than one favorite. 😉)

I loved writing Hanson because he’s faced with such intense choices between good and evil, and the psychology of getting into his head and knowing his “why”, was fun.

I loved writing Millie because her carefree spirit, playful innocence, and love for adventure, is something we could all use more of in our lives!

And of course I loved Jane, because I always know exactly what she’s thinking.

You go through a lot of different perspectives in The Coronation! Was it easy or challenging to write through so many different points of view? What was that experience like for you?

I LOVE being able to get inside my characters heads and know what each character is thinking in any given situation. I know that jumping between so many different POVs isn’t a common writing style (in fact, I think some majorly frown upon it!), but one of the beautiful things about self-publishing is that if you want to tell your story in an “out of the box” format, you have the freedom to do so. A traditional publisher probably would’ve advised I only stick with two or three POVs at the most, but I loved the idea of sharing this story in a variety of “camera angles”, so to speak. I think the hardest part about this unique storytelling technique was in the first few rounds of edits, as I wanted to make sure my readers weren’t getting lost or confused.

Especially in The Coronation, many of your main characters struggle with purity and making sure their relationships honor God. Do you have anything else to say on this subject?

I think the way the Royal Family addresses romantic relationships and topics such a courtship and engagement, are great conversation starters among families! Every girl has the job of stewarding and protecting her heart and body, and that’s 100% between her and the Lord (and her parents, if she’s at home under their care and guidance). Purity is a great topic for families to dive into together, and I love that this is something the Royal Family values, and even at times struggles with, as each character goes on their own journey in this area.

What are some of your future projects?

Future releases will be Regal Hearts Season 3 in paperback, and books #4, #5, #6 and #7 in The Tales of Tarsurella series!

How did you get into writing?

I’ve always loved writing for as long as I can remember. Storytelling is something God planted in my heart as a little girl.

Growing up, as I continued to write into my teenage years, I always knew I would publish someday, but I didn’t really know what that would look like.

My first goal, as a teen, was to just finish writing a full manuscript! I had a horrible habit of starting stories but never finishing them.

Why do you continue to write? What keeps you at it even through the tough days when the words don’t seem to flow?

Several things! The first being, that I LOVE it. I love breaking away from the busyness, sitting down with my laptop, and letting my fingers work their magic.

While it’s true that there are hard days every now and then, I’ve been extremely blessed by the fact that my writers block is pretty rare, and usually only lasts a few days or so.

I’m also a big believer in seasons. Meaning, if you’re in a writing season and the story in your heart is supposed to come out - it will come! I go through seasons where I don’t write much at all, such as when I’m editing, publishing, or in a promo season, and I know that isn’t really the “norm” for most authors, but that rhythm works really well for me! I think because I take some pretty big breaks (we’re talking months at a time!) by the time I DO sit down for another novel, I am SO ready and chomping at the bit to go!

But, it for some reason I am struggling with a lack of motivation, my readers definitely keep me moving forward! When they excitedly ask for more, it’s pretty much impossible not to give it to them! 😀

Who are some of your favorite authors?

Jane Austen and Melody Carlson are probably the two I read the most as a teen!

What are some of your favorite books?

Ooooo. Pride and Prejudice is always a solid classic. I don’t read a lot of fiction, but Dust by Kara Swanson was definitely my favorite read last year!

What are some of your favorite music artists? Are there any songs you particularly enjoy listening to?

Yaaaas! So I think my favorite artist changes every month, haha, but right now it’s We the Kingdom!

(And, if you guys have never listened to Xandria Cross, you 100% need to check her out! Such fun, clean, pop!)

Which writing problem (for example, bad grammar, cringey characters, and boring scenes) annoys you the most and why?

My main beef with fiction these days isn’t so much the technical aspect of things, as it is the content. I can’t tell you how many books I’ve started to read, and have ended up throwing out the window because of topics being featured and explored that I’m not particularly crazy about. I believe it’s important to guard what’s going in my mind, and my time is extremely valuable, so I don’t want to waste it by pouring garbage into my head! I would love to see more content released that is pure, lovely, inspiring, and encouraging! 😁 (And of course entertaining!)

As well as writing novels, you’ve also founded your own magazine for Christian teens (Crown of Beauty magazine)! How did that all happen? How has writing for Crown of Beauty helped you write fiction better?

Yes! So Crown of Beauty was established several years before The Coronation was released. Our Crown of Beauty audience is actually the reason The Coronation ever saw the light of day! 

Building a platform and drawing an audience online can take years of diligence and hard work, and I never would’ve explored the world of self-publishing, without first knowing that our CBM readers were excited and interested in the story! I first tested the story online, sharing chapters from The Coronation on our website, to get feedback, comments, and really hear what they thought! They were my first batch of “Beta Readers”, so to speak, and their feedback was immensely helpful!

I’d say working on Crown of Beauty before releasing fiction was immensely helpful, because I knew WHO my target audience was. Many authors set out in hopes of writing a book that will reach “everyone”, and I know that The Coronation isn’t for everyone. I have a very small, targeted, niche audience, and it gives me so much peace and reassurance in knowing that I don’t have to please everyone! I know who I’m writing for, and as long as she loves it, I’m on the right track!

All of your characters have a distinct voice. Do you have any tips on writing well rounded, dynamic, and different characters?

Yes! Get to know your characters really, really well. When you set out to write a scene, ask yourself, “Why did this character enter the room? What is their conscious goal in this moment? What is their subconscious goal? What are they thinking? What are they going to say? How will they behave? Will it be congruent with what they really want to express, or will they be uncomfortable as they’re putting on some kind of front for the situation, and not being their true selves?”

Ask your characters a LOT of questions. Something I enjoy doing before I write is intense character interviews.

I open up a word doc and pretend I’m a reporter asking them lots of questions. I give both their answers and what they’re actually thinking, because a lot of characters never really know how to say what they truly mean.

So, yes! Doing character interviews is a great way to get to know them better, as well as writing practice scenes that won’t be in your book where you characters literally just talk to each other. You learn some interesting things about the people you’re developing, and it makes them feel so much more real!

What has been the best part about becoming an author for you?

I think one of the best things about releasing and sharing these stories is the fact that others are actually enjoying them! Like, I still can’t get over the fact that someone would spend a Friday night curled up with my book and a cup of tea, and spend their time getting lost in Tarsurella! It makes my heart so happy to know that God is using these books to encourage, inspire, strengthen His girls in their relationship with Him, and delight their imaginations, all at the same time!

What is your favorite color and why?

Pink. Pink is the happiest color!

What idea, theme, or message do you want readers to take away from your books?

Something I love about these books, is they’re just as unique and diverse as the people that read them. Meaning, everyone is going to get something a little different out of it! Just like in real life, there’s a pretty vast variety of messages that come through these stories, and I think each reader relates stronger with a different character and the lessons they learn along the way. So my heart is really just for the Lord to speak to everyone as they read, whatever it may be that they need in that time!

What advice would you give to other writers?

I’ve shared a LOT of advice over the years, and this is a topic I could go on an on about, but today I’m just going to keep it simple. HAVE FUN with your writing! If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong. Take the pressure off yourself. Don’t try to be perfect. Return to the playground of your imagination, and let joy be released through your pen!

    Thanks for joining me for this special interview! I personally had a ton of fun getting to talk with Livy, and want to send her a HUGE thank-you for being so open and making herself available.

    Have you already read The Coronation, Regal Hearts: Season One, or another one of Livy's books? If so, what did you think about it? What was your favorite question Livy answered in this interview?

    As always, if you have a review request, look at my Review Policy and let me know in the comments. I'd love to hear what you're thinking and reading. I haven't been starting and finishing as many books lately, so I'm welcoming ANY great recommendations that will help me get back into that habit. Which books have you enjoyed that help you keep reading?

    In two weeks, I'm doing an interview with the authors of another good book. And it's already one that I've reviewed here. Which do you think it'll be?


  1. YES, I had guessed the author correctly!!! (I have NO IDEA how I did that. ;) So, first, If Olivia ever reads this comment (which I highly doubt but am going for anyway) THANK YOU a thousand times over for recognizing the need for clean books for teens and for WRITING IT. I haven't read any of your books...yet, but now I REALLY WANT TO. <3
    I'm a teen reader, and I can't tell you the countless times I have had to put a book away because of inappropriate content. So, thank you again. Teens like me see this and REALLY appreciate it.

    Anyway, JadeSky, WHAT???!! You haven't been finishing books lately???? We're gonna have to fix that ;) If I think of any good books, I'll totally let you know. Okay, since you didn't say it was a book you reviewed last month, I'm digging into the archives for my pick. Aaaaannnndddd the winner for my author interview guess isssssssssssss..... Karina Yan Glaser!!!!! (Once again, it was a crazy random guess.) This was such a fun interview I LOVED IT!!!!

    1. Yay! Good for you! I actually have Livy's email address right now and I will make sure to share it with her.

      I know! *laughs* AND I'm a book reviewer XD. Right now I'm mainly reading fanfiction and have not been going to the library, so that may be contributing to my non-book-reading.

      Nice guess! You'll just have to see...Again, thanks for reading and commenting. I absolutely love sharing your enthusiasm for this blog and your comments always make my day! THIS is why I started this...for people like you to read and enjoy!

      (Edit: I read the post and forgot to add that the interview is the week after next week, instead of this coming week. Sorry about that!)

  2. Oooh, JadeSky, I just thought of a book you might like to read. Beyond the Bright Sea by Lauren Wolk. If you've already read it/heard it, I'll keep thinking of another one. ;) I am going to find a book you'll enjoy reading no matter how long it takes.

    1. I have not heard of that book. Thanks so much! I'll check it out.
