Thursday, May 27, 2021
Book Beginnings on Fridays/Friday 56: Off-Script and Over-Caffeinated, and Book Blogger Hop

Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Can't Wait Wednesday: Shadow

Monday, May 24, 2021
Top Ten Tuesday: FIRST BLOGIVERSARY & Top Ten Posts!
Today marks a VERY IMPORTANT day in my life and on this blog (which, if you've hung around here already, I'm sure you already know about).
One year ago, I sat down at my desk, typed up a couple paragraphs from a sheet of paper, and posted my first entry on this site.
This was my first time blogging ANYTHING, as well as my first time reviewing a book in public, and I honestly wasn't sure where I wanted to go down the road. All I knew was that I'd held on to this dream of providing quality, content-assessing reviews of mainstream books, and that I wanted to be a resource for parents, teachers, librarians, and anyone looking for a worthwhile read.
A year later it's honestly shocking to see how far this blog has come. I've not only gotten to reach more people than I thought would read, but I've also been able to step out of my comfort zone by asking authors for interviews, participating in more public bookish topics, and even starting to follow other book blogs and find recommendations from them too. Throughout everything that this blog has been through in the past year, the bookish community has continued to be nothing but welcoming, generous, and wonderful.
Today, I wanted to highlight ten of my favorite posts, with a small explanation and link. This Tuesday's list, though, is focused on book quotes. So to meld the two, I'm taking a little liberty and quoting a segment from the posts themselves. Interview posts will quote directly from the authors featured while the rest will focus on my opinion on certain subjects.
Check out my picks below!
(To see all the TTT lists I've done in the past, click HERE.)

Sunday, May 23, 2021
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #6

Friday, May 21, 2021
A Bookish Opinion: Disabilities/Medical Conditions in Literature
Hello! If you've stuck around my blog for a little, you've learned that this month marks the one-year anniversary of my blog, and to celebrate, I'm starting a type of post called Bookish Opinions. This Friday's topic is less clear-cut, but I'm excited to be able to share my thoughts about it with you. The things we're the most passionate about make for the best discussions, right?

Thursday, May 13, 2021
A Bookish Opinion: Formats of Publishing
Hi! If you saw last week's post, then you've already figured out that this month is my blog's first anniversary, which I'm celebrating through a new blog series called Bookish Opinions. This Friday's topic is another fun, much-discussed one: the different formats we use to invite stories into our lives.

Friday, May 7, 2021
A Bookish Opinion: Story Length (Plus Goodreads Giveaway!)
Hey, everyone! If you were able to catch my blog post last week, I promised yet another book review. Well, after posting, I remembered that next week was the first week of May.
Why is that detail so important? Well, because May is the month I first started this blog.
Yes, it's been a year since I started posting, and this blog has grown so much more than I ever thought or hoped it could. I wanted to do something special to celebrate the occasion (okay, more than a few somethings), and so I came up with a new, month-long post series: Bookish Opinions!
Bookish Opinions is just that: me writing on some of the most popular, widely debated, and overall fun topics that are floating around in the book world. I hope that this will be a chance for me to share more about myself outside of blog tags and book reviews, and that it'll be a way to jumpstart more conversations with readers old and new.
Today, I'm starting the series with a topic that I'm sure many bookworms will have an opinion on: story lengths! How short is too short for a story to grab your heart and soul? How many page numbers should you focus on if you want to continue to read or write well?