
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Top Ten Tuesdays: Favorite Books of 2020


    Wow. Just wow. WE'VE MADE IT, EVERYONE!!!!! 🎊 Despite all the new difficulties and challenges 2020 has brought to all of us, we're pushing through, and we won't have to go through this year again! (Is it weird that now my writer brain is trying to chase after a plot bunny that involves someone from the future being thrown here through the space-time continuum?) 

    In all seriousness, 2020 has not been easy. However, if you're a book lover like me, I think we can agree that stories have lifted us up, encouraged us, and given us some steady ground in the midst of such a shaky existence. I know it has for me. All the same, coming up with my top ten favorite books I've read this year is definitely a challenge. Not only because I've read so many and explored so many new worlds, but because I want to make sure that what I choose has impacted me in some way. 

    Like I've done with most of my other book-listing TTT posts, I've listed the genre, age target, and a small blurb about why I chose this book, as well as a few content warnings for whoever wants to check it out. If you click on the title of the book, you'll also be taken to the Amazon link! Hope you enjoy reading through my choices.

    (To see all the TTT lists I've done in the past, click HERE.)

Top Ten Favorite Books of 2020
(in no particular order)

1. Crash Landing by Zac Harrison

(Note: Find my review of the book HERE.)

Genre: Science Fiction

Age Target: Middle Grade

My Opinion: I stumbled on Crash Landing while still in quarantine and looking for something to read. The library was still closed, so I was relying a ton on Kindle books to help me through the boredom. I was so happy to find that this quirky boarding school fantasy was just the clean, fun adventure I was looking for! Like I mentioned in my review of the book, I would recommend this series to anyone whose kids are ready to read Harry Potter but whose parents or guardians aren't ready to introduce them to that world. It definitely has a similar feel!

Things To Know: There are mentions of cursing, and a few scenes with rude name-calling. Several times the characters are knocked unconscious, threatened with death, or suffer injuries. The headmaster of Hyperspace High can see into the past and future, and the main character covers up the existence of the school to protect it. For a more complete list, check out my review of the book.

2. The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street by Karina Yan Glaser

Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Age Target: Middle Grade

My Opinion: I'd heard of the Vanderbeekers series before now (my sister even got it from the library a couple of years ago), but I'd never really sat down and read it until quarantine. When I did, I was blown away by the beauty of the author's storytelling. All of the characters reminded me of my own five-kid family, and the whole book was very well written. If you haven't heard about this book, or read it, GO READ IT! (And then tear through all the other books in the series like I did.)

This book also made it on my TTT list for Books That Make Me Smile

Things To Know: The main goal in the book is to prevent the Vanderbeeker family from moving, which is done in various different ways, including the kids lying to a potential buyer. Once one of the Vanderbeekers suggests putting rude words on the landlord's door. There is a barely detailed romantic subplot between one of the kids and a well-known neighbor boy. Going to church is mentioned. For a more complete list, check out my review of the book.

3. The Coronation by Livy Jarmusch

(Note: Find my review of the book HERE, and my exclusive interview with the author HERE.)

Genre: Christian Fiction

Age Target: Young Adult

My Opinion: If you've hung around my blog a lot, you've noticed my getting into this series, and totally fangirling over it. (Like, a ridiculous amount of fangirling.) Seriously, though, this book deserves ALL. THE. LOVE. Not only is it well written, with amazing characters to love and root for, but its take on love and faith are ones that the world needs to hear more of! With endless intrigue, heartwarming scenes, and a definite Hallmark vibe, The Coronation is a book you'll want to read again and again.

This book also made it on my TTT list for Recommended Books.

Things To Know: A huge part of the story deals with romantic relationships, and three of the main characters struggle with attraction to another person. Distinctly Christian values are woven throughout, especially regarding the Godly way to pursue romantic relationships. Near the climax of the story, the palace of Tarsurella is broken into by a group of fanatic Muslims, seeking to take over the kingdom. For a more complete list, check out my review of the book.

4. Off-Script and Over-Caffeinated by Rhonda and Kaley Rhea

(Note: Find my review of the book HERE, and my exclusive interview with Kaley Rhea HERE.)

Genre: Christian Fiction

Age Target: Adults

My Opinion: This book was an absolute joy to discover, and despite it being the exact opposite of Christmas when I read and blogged about it, I had no problem getting into my "total fan stage" over this story. The good-natured jabs at Hallmark movie tropes were clever and hilarious, and through all the laughter I used over this book I found a beautiful message about what real love looks like. I loved that the authors weren't afraid to be quirky, and to give their characters quirky traits, too. And, of course, it was inspiring to see Harlow and Jack grow closer to God and each other at the same time.

Things To Know: There are some mentions of cursing, and a few mentions of nasty-sounding wounds.  All of the main characters are Christians and strive to live their lives in a way that honors God. Jack and Harlow become friends and later feel attracted to one another. Throughout the story, there are inner monologues and dialogue that may or may not be sarcastic, inappropriate, or insulting. For a more complete list, check out my review of the book.

5. The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom

Genre: Autobiography

Age Target: Adults

My Opinion: This year was my first time reading this classic, and I'm so glad I did! I was honestly
surprised at how story-like the narrative felt, and how easily I related to Corrie and her struggles. It was incredible to journey with her and see how much she'd trusted in God by the end of the book. My favorite part was probably reading about all of the times Corrie and her family stepped out in faith, and God provided for them in a way that none of them would've expected.

A quote from this book made it into my TTT list for Favorite Book(ish) Quotes, and I also included this book on my TTT list for Recommended Books.

Things To Know: The author doesn't sugarcoat the hardships she and her family endured during World War II. Violence, sickness, death, starvation, discrimination, and other uncomfortable situations are all mentioned. The Bible, Bible verses, and Biblical concepts, especially relating to Corrie's faith, are mentioned.

6. The Great Historic Mystery by Jordyn Hadden

(Find my review of the book, including an exclusive interview with the author, HERE.)

Genre: Science Fiction

Age Target: Young Adult

My Opinion: This is (yet) another book that I've re-read, and re-blogged about throughout this year. Everything about the story is engaging, beautifully written, and realistic. Not to mention the way the different perspectives and themes are handled keep me coming back for more. Long story short, reading all of it sparked my imagination, reintroduced to me the joy of learning, and gave me a thirst for adventure, as well as introducing me to a great ensemble of characters! (And, as most of you have probably figured out by now, great characters are why I read books.) I'm not only thankful that 2020 allowed me the chance to read through the story itself, but I'm thankful for the chance to get to know the author personally through this year, be her resident fangirl for all her future projects, and work on our writing side by side.

Things To Know: There are some perilous situations, and a magic-like setting. The story also deals with the main character struggling with the death of her grandmother, who passed away from cancer. Some lies are told, and once a passage from the Bible is referenced. For a more complete list, check out my review of the book.

7. Even If by Bethany Riehl

(Note: Click HERE to look at my Book Beginnings on Fridays/Friday 56 post about this book!)

Genre: Christian Fiction/Romance

Age Target: Adults

My Opinion: This made me cry. Do you know how many books actually manage to make me cry??? (Yes, despite all the fiction and fanfiction I consume on a weekly basis, the chances of one actually moving me that much is one in a million. It's much easier to make me laugh, for some reason.) Honestly, I don't know if I have the words to describe how swoon-worthy and cry-worthy this story IS. Just, Lillian and how she wrestles with her past...and God's acceptance of her despite her baggage...and God giving her Chuck to help remind her of that glorious's all so well written and agggggggh now part of me wants to burst into tears! 😂 I related to Lillian A TON during the story, and I loved that despite all the struggles she faced she was able to finally begin healing and trusting God and Chuck (using a Biblical allusion that brought me to tears AGAIN). All of the characters, situations, and plot was just so amazing and impactful and well done! If I actually ranked all of my favorite books from 2020, this would definitely be #1. 

Things To Know: Though I 110 percent recommend this story, it is definitely not for everyone. Lillian (the main character) struggles with sexual sin and getting out of an abusive relationship, which may lead to triggers for some people. Another triggering factor of this story is that Chuck (the main man) is grieving the death of his dad, who was hit by a drunk driver. There are some references that are probably not appropriate for kids either (ex. the two characters watching the show Chuck). It's mentioned that Lillian's mom and stepdad are not Christians and are known for drinking, cursing, and off-color joking. There are more than a few heated moments between Chuck and Lillian.

8. Happily Ever Ashten by Erynn Mangum

Genre: Christian Chick-Lit

Age Target: Adults

My Opinion: I picked up this book from my library in early 2020 in my personal goal to read all of Erynn Mangum's books this year (ahhh, non-COVID-impacted life!). Like with Even If, I related to Ashten so much, and the theme about identity almost brought me to tears. At the same time, I found myself laughing along with Ashten's hilarious observations about life, falling in love with the characters, and fully enjoying all her misadventures, as I always do whenever I read one of Mangum's books!

Things To Know: Bible passages and Biblical terms are mentioned frequently, and all of the main characters are Christians. Throughout the story, there are inner monologues and dialogue that may or may not be sarcastic, inappropriate, or insulting. There are mentions of dating, flirting, and kissing.

(You can find my full review of the book HERE.)

Genre: Biography

Age Target: Young Adult

My Opinion: I have a weird habit. Unless I'm forced to read a biography or go to a museum, I usually stay away from them, thinking they'll be boring and dry. Then, I actually find one, and I love it! This was definitely the case for me with this book. I was stunned at how strong Abigail was throughout all the difficulties in her life, related to her way more than I expected, and absolutely loved how the author told the First Lady's story. Reading Abigail Adams: Witness to a Revolution has definitely changed my perspective on American history for the better!

Things To Know: Sickness, terminal illness, and death are mentioned, as well as praying and Biblical terms. A main part of the story deals with the feelings of Abigail concerning her husband, John. For a more complete list, check out my review of the book.

10. The Hardest Peace by Kara Tippetts

(Note: You can find my review of the book HERE.)

Genre: Autobiography

Age Target: Adults

My Opinion: This book goes along with my other "almost-made-me-cry books of 2020". Expecting it to be more of an inspiration self-help book, I was torn apart by both Kara's gentle honesty and her total surrender to Christ. I love the way that she doesn't try to pass herself off as an expert on life, just as an ordinary wife and mom, who has been through something that has rocked her to her core and strengthened her trust in Him.

Things To Know: There are a few mentions of abuse Kara and her siblings experienced as kids. Since Kara has gone through cancer herself it, and all the situations that come out of it, are a main part of the book. There are a myriad of topics covered, from what real beauty looks like to a Godly marriage. Biblical passages and terms, as well as attitude and heart struggles are mentioned. For a more complete list, check out my review of the book.

    Thanks for looking at this Top Ten Tuesday list! I hope you enjoyed reading through this post as much as I enjoyed going through all the books I've read for the first time this year.

    What about you? Have you heard about or read any of the books I mentioned? If you haven't, was there a book that you were interested in? If you've also participated in this TTT topic, link to your post in the comments so I can check it out.

    I know that I've mentioned and/or reviewed many of these books on here already, but there were a few I decided to introduce! Are there any that caught your interest that you'd love to see featured? If so, let me know in the comments! And as always, feel free to click on the Review Policy tab if you'd like to submit a request for another book.

    Tomorrow, come and read my Can't-Wait Wednesday post...


  1. Yes, books have been a welcome reprieve from the difficulties of this year.

    The Hiding Place was a good read.

    My post.

    1. Definitely! I'm glad you enjoyed the Hiding Place too.

      Thanks for reading and commenting.

  2. You've listed this so lovely and thoroughly! Love it! I've heard of the VanderBeekers as well and it does seem like a fun series!

    Wishing you a lovely New Year with some great books to post about on your lovely blog! You're doing good Girl!

    Lots of Love,

    Mareli & Elza

    1. Your comment made me so happy! I'm glad you enjoyed my post. Yes...the Vanderbeekers series is a must-read! Thanks for the warm New Year wishes, too.

      As always, thanks for reading and commenting.

  3. Awesome list! You've got me adding so many new books to my wishlist! All of these sound so great! Happy New Year! :)

    1. Yay! I'm glad you liked the post and that I could add to your TBR list. Thanks for the warm New Year wishes!

      As always, thanks for reading and commenting.

  4. 2020 has definitely not been easy. Good books certainly helped me get through it. And you've got some good ones on your list. The Hiding Place is one of my all-time favs. Looking forward to visiting your blog many times in the new year! :D

    1. I completely agree! I'm glad that you enjoyed many of the books I picked. Yes, The Hiding Place is definitely worth reading! Thank you so much. I'm so excited to see what you post on your blog next year!

      As always, thanks for reading and commenting.

  5. Wow!! First off, the book idea you mentioned in the opening sounds GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, it'd probably be hard to pull that one off, but still! GENIUS!!!!!!! One book that specifically caught my eye was the Christian chick-lit one. It's probably a mix of many reasons like cover and I've been wanting to read some books in the chick-lit genre. And since you've been talking about The Coronation a lot, that one has seriously got me interested in reading!!!!!!!!! Great post!!!!! I "can't wait" for Can't Wait Wednesday. Ha! You see what I did there?! *giving myself a high-five* XDD

    1. Hey, Maggie! Yay, I'm so glad you liked the post and I could recommend some good books for you to check out! (True, true, but the story idea would be so worth it, don't you think?)

      YES! Yay. :D I don't know a lot of people who read in the Christian chick-lit genre (romance, maybe, but not chick-lit) and I think it is such an underrated subgenre. ("Happily Ever Ashten" is a part of a trilogy, so if you're interested in that go read the first one - "Katie in Waiting".) I would 10000000 percent recommend Erynn Mangum's books, all of her stuff is so good! (Please consider putting at least one of her books on your TBR list so you can read it and we can fangirl over it together. XD) Yes, The Coronation is a keeper too! Actually, all the books here are keepers...

      Yay! So glad you can't wait for my Wednesday post! As always, thank you for reading and commenting. Your comments always make my day and I really appreciate you sending them!

  6. I'm guessing there will be a rash of books and movies about 2020 coming soon! The setting is just too dramatic not to be used for entertainment purposes.

    Thanks for including content warnings in your reviews. I appreciate it. It's important to me to know what I'm getting into before I start a book or hand one to my children.

    Happy TTT!

    1. True, true! I'm interested to see what they come up with now...

      Thank you so much! Failing to find content warnings about books I've read in the past is what started this blog, and I'm so glad to hear it's helping!

      Happy (belated) TTT back! Thanks for reading and commenting.

  7. Good books! The Hiding Plaec and Abigail Adams are some favorites of mine too.

    1. I'm glad you liked the list! Ooh, you've read the Abigail Adams book too? Nice!

      Thanks for reading and commenting.

  8. The Great Historic Mystery caught my eye since I enjoy time travel tales. And I like that you mention content. Not many blogs do.

    1. Yay! I would 100 percent recommend it (although I bet you could already tell that XD). Yes, time travel books are so interesting! I wish I could find more out there. Trying and failing to find content warnings was part of why I started this blog, so I'm super happy you noticed and are glad I did so!

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting.

  9. Stories have been a lifesaver in 2020, so true! These look nice, the time travel catches my eye. And yay for the writing idea- that sounds awesome!

    1. Definitely! I'm glad you like my book picks. And hey, maybe I'll actually write that idea someday! You never know...

      Thanks for reading and commenting.

  10. What a great variety of books you have here and I am so pleased you have been able to find some well needed escape through books from this dire year. 😊 You've also reminded me, I really must read The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom!

    1. I'm glad you liked my list! Yes...The Hiding Place is a must-read. I hope that you had the same experience with escaping through books too.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  11. I wouldn’t have survived this year without books. I’m glad you read so many good ones!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Definitely agree there. Thank you so much!

      Happy New Year, and thanks for reading and commenting.
