Hey, everyone! Today I'm going to be veering off the usual review schedule and participating in the Reflections blog tag, which I was linked for a couple of weeks ago on the Teen Writer's Nook site (thanks a ton, Issabelle!). I'm really excited to type out my thoughts about this prompt. I hope that it'll be fun for YOU to learn more about me and possibly feel led to do some reflecting of your own.
Unlike the Narnia Blog Tag or Liebster Award challenges I did last year, this tag had only one question:
What are eight things God has blessed and/or taught you in 2020?
Especially with all of the stress and craziness that has rippled through the world lately because of COVID-19 and its effects, I feel like this is a perfect moment to step back and really focus on the better parts of last year's craziness. So here's a list of eight things I was blessed with, and the ways God used each of those blessings to teach me.